Wednesday, July 2, 2008

June 2008 School Holidays

School holidays are the best time. I had alot of fun during my holidays. I went to JB with my dad, 2 big brothers and cousin brother. My cousin brother stayed over at my home because his parents, my uncles, aunties and my mum went for a long trip to holy land(Isreal).
We went shopping, eating and playing at the arcade in JB.
On another day my dad brought my cousin sisters and myself to VIvo city wading pool at the rooftop. We had a splashing time getting wet. Then we went to watch Kung Fu Panda, which was funny. My favourite part was when the Panda said "don't tempt me to sit on you". Panda was the best character cool yet funny.

Tell me how was your holiday.


Unknown said...

good to see this!
i hope i hv influenced u to write..

u know, as you write, u will have interest on writing and also discover talents in you.

best wishes!

fabella said...

thanks for the comment purple soul sara . Did mummy send the holy commuine phtoes?